Welcome to Crafty Old Ways

This is a place to learn, to teach, to enjoy and discuss the old and in some cases nearly lost ways of doing things like making soap, preserving food and many more. I invite you to participate in this quest and am grateful for your positive input.

Monday, January 17, 2011

The Renaissance of Old Ways

OMG its 2011! Have you noticed that for all our technological advances and gadgets there is a growing interest in how things used to be done?  The interest in healthy food that started a few years ago has grown into a grassroots movement of niche farmers, all natural stores and restaurants. This is just the beginning and I believe that it is wonderful. This blog is going to focus on the Old Ways of doing anything, well anything legal and let's all keep it clean too. Some examples of what I want to explore with you, my readers, are food preservation, making all natural soap, incense and teas, recipes and anything else that comes up in our brainstorming. We are only limited by our imaginations (well maybe by time and money, but we'll work on that too). I want your ideas, recipes and experiences when you try something new. In turn I will share my ideas, recipes, tips and the outcome of my Old Way projects (yes even the failures for this is how we learn).

1 comment:

  1. Hey Chick,
    Great start on this! I will follow it regularly.
    The soap thing... I made some once back in Iowa, but I do not remember if it was a kit or a recipe. I know I used Crisco. I think I was unimpressed with the results. Poor memory..
    So I didn't know how to respond accurately, so I just chose the make some someday choice.
